Monday, October 10, 2011

Your Lifestyle or Theirs?

It’s amazing how we allow other people to tear down our dreams, hopes and possibilities.  How many ideas have you had that you thought were pretty good?  A business you thought would be right for you?  That outfit that you thought accentuated your best features?  That desire to go back to school and achieve that degree you always wanted?  You had that dream, that vision and you planned it out.  You actually envisioned your success and achievements.  You could see it taking your life, the life of your kids, the life of your family in a positive direction.  Just the mere thought of it pumped you up and made you feel excited and looking forward to the possibilities.  Yes, you even took into consideration the struggles you may have to overcome and you prepared for that because you totally believed in your dream.  You were realistic that bumps can happen along the way.  You were so hyped!  Then….CRASH!  BOOM!  POW!  You hit a brick wall called family members, friends, and for some…even spouse!   Your excitement then becomes deflated and lack luster.  Slowly you allowed doubt to creep in. “Maybe this won’t work”, “maybe I am too old to do this or that”, “maybe this is a waste of my time”, “I must be crazy to think this is possible…what was I thinking?”. 
How did it come to this?!?  Suddenly that dream, that possibility, that hope for the future was replaced with self doubt, negative self talk, and a diminished ray of light.  The possible became the impossible.  At that very moment, that other person’s dreams, or better yet, lack of dreams, became yours.  STOP!  Before you continue down that dismal path, it’s time to assess the person who helped to formulate this doubt.  Where is that person in their life?  Do they have success in general?  Do they have success in their dreams?  Do they even dream?  Are they constantly a negative talker?  Are their views based on your well being or their own fears that have prevented them from pursuing their dreams?  What is that other persons’ lifestyle.  Are they in a perpetual state of robbing Peter to pay Paul? Do you see success or leadership? Could it be simply they actually can see this being a success for you but they think it may cause a change in your relationship and you’ll grow apart from them.  Or could it simply be the person is insecure? 
Always consider the source of information provided to you.  Ensure that it’s for your wellbeing.  I’m not saying only spend time around people who blow your horn by agreeing with everything you do, but make sure there is wise information provided.  Always be willing to seek wise council from people who are going where you’re going or are already there.  They will provide you with the things you truly need to look out for, they will agree when they truly agree, and they will challenge or question you when they can see areas of concern or things you need to pay close attention.  They will give you pointers or caution you for potential issues.
Whatever it is in life, keep in mind that when you buy into someone else’s opinion be prepared to also buy into their lifestyle. 

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