Wednesday, October 12, 2011

5 Sure Fire Ways to Launch a Great Day

What you internalize and speak can have a huge impact on your perceptions and the overall progression of your day.  When you get up in the morning, you should make it your personal mission to start your day off with positive energy.  Below are 5 sure fire ways to set the tone of your day.

1.  Words of affirmation - Speak positive things out loud about who you are and where you're going in life.  Speaking and hearing your affirmations help to implant them into your brain and effect your actions.  Simple phrases like:  I'm a success, I love my life, I'm a leader, I'm a winner, I'm a great mother/father, I'm going to have an awesome day!  Speak life into your living.  Also taking time to write them down will also facilitate the solidification of these phrases in your mind.

2.  Prayer or meditation - Find quiet time to prepare your mind.  This time helps to build inner peace.  Invision how great your day is going to be.  Imagine your day filled with successful events and completion of tasks.

3.  Don't turn on the news - Starting your day watching the news where the first 15 minutes of the local news is usually filled with the danger, anger, and tragedies of the community is not the best way to get your day going.  Listening to this can greate great tension before you even step out of the door of your home.  Sometimes these events can linger in your mind.  You then have to work hard to shake off the heavy feelings.

4.  Listen to some upbeat and energetic music.  Play those songs that always leaves you with a great feeling.  One of my pumped up songs is Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves.

5.  Listen to a motivational speaker like Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Willie Jolley, etc while you're getting ready for the day.    Les Brown is one of my personal favorites because of his bubbly personality and infectious laugh!

A pleasant beginning is the best beginning to a day.  There is no better way for setting the tone then creating a mindset full of positive energy.  So let's get started!!!

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