Friday, September 30, 2011

Changing Isn't So Bad

You can’t expect a change to happen if you aren’t willing to make a change.  A phrase I heard and still sticks in my mind is, “if you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve been getting”.  So many people talk about the need for something different, tired of the same ole routine; but, when it comes to taking steps to make that happen, nothing happens.  Their current situation is like that Linus blanket.  It’s familiar and comfortable.  It molds and fits you.  It’s secure.  But doing what you’ve always done and seeing no change for the better is one word…INSANITY! 
One thing that plays into a “stalemate” existence is the comfort factor.  People want something different but don’t want to be made uncomfortable in the process. Over time, we’ve become a microwave society.  Quick and easy is our motto…the 3 steps to this, cooking made easy, or how about the 10 minute exercise.  All sound good; however, it isn’t about how quickly we arrive but the journey along the way.  It is during the journey, YES, even the difficult and uncomfortable times that we discover our true selves.  We stretch ourselves and find out we can do things that we never imagined.  We take our abilities to another level and end up with something else to add to our list of accomplishments.  We arrive at a place that we never imagined we could.
Now think about that thing or things you want to accomplish.  And while you’re thinking, ask yourself, what have I done differently to reach that goal and am I any closer now than when I started?  When we aren’t willing to stretch ourselves, we can’t expect success.  Being uncomfortable isn’t a bad thing.  It’s a momentary thing.  You’ll find out over time that the uncomfortable moment becomes less and familiarity increases.  When I started my business, I discovered I was going to eventually do presentations.  My initial thought was how can I avoid it or better yet, maybe things aren’t so bad in my life that I need to do this.  I felt I was doing pretty well not having to stand in front of people and talk.  Why change things now?  But instead of succumbing to the negative self talk, I knew I HAD to do it. Not for anyone else, but for me. The first time I did it, I was a nervous wreck!  But guess what?  I did it.  Yes, it didn’t feel great initially and I stumbled a bit.  But as time progressed and more opportunities to present came my way the uncomfortable feeling was replaced with ease.  Now, not only do I feel comfortable but I even get compliments.  Now I look back and wonder why I didn’t want to do it.

We all have dreams and wishes for ourselves, our families, our businesses; but, without any action, without taking a leap of faith and doing something different, without being momentarily uncomfortable, we are just creating an illusion.  Isn’t change worth it, if it’s for the betterment of family, your financial future, personal and spiritual growth, or renewed since of self?  Isn’t change good if means obtaining spiritual peace, creating a safe environment, having financial stability, having college funds in place for your children, and even saving money on goods and services we use every day.  When you think about it like that, change isn’t quite so bad.